This is a rubbish photo, I know, but hopefully if you finish reading this you will understand why I have posted it.
A magazine I read set a challenge, photograph a reflection in water, that night it rained and London was full of big puddles showing in glorious detail the classic Victorian architecture on my route to the office. Sadly I was too worried about making myself look foolish taking pictures of puddles to get any pictures. The next day I was determined to get some shots so I walked the same route to find that all that was left was this dank puddle stuck underneath a transit van. So the moral of the story is take the opportunity when it presents itself, who cares if you look a little foolish if the end result is worth it. Of course this being Britain in summer plenty more opportunties will present themselves, so I guess the other moral of the story is don’t give up hope because you missed one opportunity, another one is just a thunder storm away…